
Education –

Rural education is one of the important factors in India, which can effect overall development of rural community. Quality and access to education is the major concern in backward region.
In field of education there are 2 programme are implementing by bioRe association first one is Animation school programme and second one is promotion of academic as well as vocational education through bioRe public school.
1. Animation School Programme – The concept of the Animation school aims at enrolling those children who, for whatever reason have been prevented from exercising their right to primary education. Animation means sensitizing the community specially parents. Our first animation school was initiated by in July 2006.
Animation schools are unique model of community participation. Animation school concept works in a phased manner. Initially a animation school runs in farmers’ houses and later on villagers built temporary structures for theses schools. Once the community offers land to build the school building, the building for the schools is constructed with basic infrastructure. During whole process all benefits such as school books, bags, uniforms, teachers, health check up, vocational training, exposure are being provided by the bioRe Association with the help of bioRe Foundation, Switzerland. Animation schools gets recognition by the state government as community schools which allows our children to exercise the option of accessing further schooling once they complete their primary education.
At present (July 2019-20) we are running 18 animation schools where more than 1100 tribal children are beneficiaries and they are getting free of cost primary education.
Different animation schools are adopted by different bioRe partners. These partners are informed about the progress and problems of the respective school and children from time to time. Partners helping animation school are encouraged to pay visits to the animation schools at any time of the year.
bioRe has setup one big school and setting up two more such school in future where these children will receive further academic as well as vocational skill. First bioRe public school has already started at village Ojhara.

2. bioRe Public school & Vocational centre – The whole concept of promotion of education programme involves series of development processes. In this series the first bioRe public school and vocational center was inaugurated on October 2013 and first academic session was initiated in July 2014. It is part of bioRe school programme where two such school campus will be developed in order to cater further academic education to animation school children’s along with skill development. The unique feature of the school will be enrollment of external children who will pay certain fees to make itself sustained. This project is sponsored by COOP Switzerland.
It is first school of the start to promote vocational skill of ( such as – Electric, Wireman,, computers, and Sewing technology) rural relevance along with academic education in state of Madhya Pradesh.

3. Mobile Health Unit – A new milestone in the history of bioRe Association was laid when the Mobile Health Unit was launched in Nov 2006. The first of its kind in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It was dedicated to the farmers by Mrs. Irene Kaufman from Coop Switzerland. It is an educative, diagnostic and curative facility on wheels. The unit has the most modern diagnostic facilities i.e. Pathology, X-rays, ECGs and provision for ultra sound. It travels to remote areas where primary health services and diagnostic facilities are hardly available or not available at all. Besides being a diagnostic unit, one of its basic aim is to educate people in matters related to cleanliness, hygiene, nutrition, pre and post maternal care. The mobile health unit has been sponsored by Coop Switzerland with a donation of USD 150,000. This unit has been manufactured by Siemens. It travels to remote areas everyday’s particular fix location and provide subsidized diagnostics facilities more than 50% of cost to its patients.
A total of 94341 patients have been benefitted with this project since beginning up to March 2016. We have also organize several specialized camps where consultation and medicines are provided at free of cost.
MHU team – Team of mobile health unit comprises of a lady Dr. Shahina Ansari leads the team at MHU bus. She is Homeopath by profession and her focus has been to reach out to more women patients in the rural villages. Mr. Aslam khan is X-Ray and ECG technician. Mr. Mukesh Surage is the Pathologist, Mr. Lokesh Patidar is the pharmacist and Mr. Narayan and Rajendra are the support staff in the bus.

4. Biogas – bioRe textile chain under its vision to become Co2 neutral by 2013 is supporting bioRe Association to implement CO2 neutral project by helping farmers to construct biogas plants. In addition to minimize CO2 emissions across the entire textile chain by optimizing the process and using alternative carriers of energy bioRe is offsetting emission by implementing biogas plants. As many as 3967 biogas plants have been constructed under this programme until March 2019.
5. Sanitation – We believe that collective efforts will help the ensure the achievement of the sustainable development goals regarding sanitation and also those relating to health, water and environment sustainability.
Idea behind this project is to educate people and generate awareness among community regarding sanitation and hygiene issue. Reduce open defecation amongst people as well as increase coverage of toilets in disease prevention and public health safety.
A total 425 farmer’s families have been our beneficiaries of this project.

6. Livelihood activities –
There are 2 major livelihood activities are implementing by bioRe association –
a. Aavran Handloom Society –
b. Women Stitching unit –

Aavran Handloom Society – bioRe Association formed and promoted a weavers society under its livelihood programmes. “Aavran Handloom Society” is a concept which involves hand spinning, hand weaving, toxic free dyeing and using organic cotton from bioRe. This society is owned by weavers and does its business independently. Aavran is a unique cohesive effort for self reliance. Association started a small initiative of promoting livelihood for its women self help groups through 10 hand spinning machines (Ambar Charkha) in Sept 2007 with the support of bioRe foundation Switzerland and now it has turned in to a self sustained weavers livelihood organization.
Aavran is a Hindi word which means “to adorn”. Aavran being social enterprises believes in equality, quality , transparency , fair trade and making locally global products thus advancing with world by consolidating and valuing our traditional. Presently it supports to over 30 families.

Today Aavran Handloom Society is working with several credible buyers which include Coop Naturaline Switzerland, Remei AG Switzerland, Alkaline, Sodani butik ,CIC khadi London, KVIC Madhya Pradesh, Silk Federation of MP, State Handloom Department of MP, Fab India and several others.
Women stitching unit – bioRe women stitching unit was initiated as another livelihood initiative of bioRe for rural women in year of 2015. The aim of this project is to equip the women with skills that will help them improve quality of life with increasing self reliance. Presently there are 12 women’s are working in this stitching unit and they are trained already to make different products such as shirt, pants, tunic, t-shirt and cotton bags etc.

7. Farmers training – bioRe has been making sincere efforts to improve quality of life of organic farming communities working with us . Organic and biodynamic farming are the appropriate and affordable farming techniques in improving soil fertility and brining up economy of farming communities. Farmers’ training is a key at bioRe. The training curriculum is designed as per the needs of the farmers. Major contents of this programme are basic principles of organic and biodynamic farming, soil fertility management, pest management, women’s training, formation of women’s groups and exposure visits etc.
Every bioRe farmers receives quality training every year. A training team of 5 members work round the year on the farmers training issues.

8. Agriculture Research – bioRe is working on various agriculture research interventions. bioRe Association together with Institute of organic agriculture (FiBl) has launched long term system comparison trials. This research has been designed for a period of no less than 10 years. Under this research we observe four different farming systems i.e. biodynamic, organic, and conventional and GMO in cotton, wheat and soyabean. The main intention being to establish a scientific basis on performance and potential of organic production system.
We are working on cotton pilot trial, pest control and cotton cultivator evolution, these are trials from the year 2011. Cotton cultivation trial (CCE) was initiated in collaboration with University of Agriculture Science Dharwad. It’s one the largest and intense non GM cotton breeding and evolution trials in India conducted on organic conditions. bioRe intends to create a seed bank of non GM cotton for farmers in future.

9. Water Productivity – bioRe Association is participating as a sub project partner of WAPRO on organic cotton together with bioRe India in an international project focusing on increase water productivity in organic cotton farming. This project is being supported by SDC as well as Helvetas Switzerland.

Farmer Representation System – bioRe organization have been facilitating farmers representation through various means. We promotes representation system of bioRe farmers for effective implementation of bioRe social and environmental standard and empowering them to participate in the development of biore values. The overall achievement of vision of bioRe is only possible if these systems are effectively implemented and adhered to.
Presently bioRe Association is governed and managed by farmers and all their Managing committee members including President and farmers.


A new milestone in the history of bioRe Association was laid when the Mobile Health Unit was launched in Nov 2006. The first of its kind in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It was dedicated to the organic farmers and community by Mrs. Irene Kaufman from Coop Switzerland. Mobile health unit is a multi-facility health vehicle designed and developed for promotion of basic health services in rural areas. The mobile health unit has been sponsored by COOP(bioRe Foundation) with a donation of  USD 150,000 .

bioRe Mobile Health Unit is state of art unit. It has the modern diagnostic facilities including a fully functional pathology lab , X-ray unit, ECGs and provision for ultra sound. The Mobile Health unit has various other facilities such as a generator for power supply, public address system, television for educational purposes and various basic instruments for ENT and gynecology check up. This unit was designed and manufactured with Siemens.

A patient can register for consultation with Rs 10 only. The diagnostic facilities are available at a 50% less fees than the market rate and that too in the villages. Special ailments are identified for the region and specialized camps are organized.

Mobile Health Unit travels six days a week in the bioRe area on fixed stations. A lady Homeopath doctor and a local doctor are available on board. Local doctors are regularly invited on board for follow up. A team of experienced and qualified X-Ray and ECG technician, Pathology technician, Pharmacist, Multi-purpose health worker and driver and support staff is available on board.

A total of 94341 patients have been benefited with this project since beginning up to March 2016. We have also organize several specialized camps where consultation and medicines are provided at free of cost.

MHU Team

Team of mobile health unit is lead by Dr. Shahina Ansari. Her focus has been to reach out to more women patients in the rural villages. Mr. Aslam khan is X-Ray and ECG technician. Mr. Mukesh Surage is the Pathologist, Mr. Lokesh Patidar is the pharmacist and Mr. Narayan and Rajendra are the support staff in the bus.

bioRe foundation Switzerland support the project by covering its running losses with support of sponsor Coop CH.

bioRe’s mobile health unit was covered by NDTV profit as one of the most successful mobile health project in India.


  • Biogas – bioRe textile chain under its vision to become Co2 neutral by 2013 is supporting bioRe Association to implement CO2 neutral project by helping farmers to construct biogas plants. In addition to minimize CO2 emissions across the entire textile chain by optimizing the process and using alternative carriers of energy bioRe is offsetting emission by implementing biogas plants. bioRe provides a grant of Rs 10,000 to organic farmer who construct a biogas plant in its operating area.  A total 3877 biogas plants have been promoted by organization since 2013 up to 31st March 2017.
  • Sanitation – We believe that collective efforts will help the ensure the achievement of the sustainable development goals regarding sanitation and also those relating to health, water and environment sustainability.

Idea behind this project is to educate people and generate awareness among community regarding sanitation and hygiene issue. Reduce open defecation amongst people as well as increase coverage of toilets in disease prevention and public health safety.

A total 200 farmer’s families have been our beneficiaries of this project.


bioRe Association was set up in 2003 to support organic farmers. It is registered as society under MP society Registration Act 1973. It is organic farmer’s organization managed by farmers. It also works as social wing of bioRe textile chain in India. bioRe Association is mainly supported by bioRe foundation Switzerland for all its social activities. bioRe Association works with other organizations and government too from time to time. bioRe association is a multi-dimensional organization and works in several social fields such as education, health, environment, livelihood,  research and promotion of organic agriculture. The active base of bioRe Association is in Khargone and Barwani districts of Madhya Pradesh.

Presently bioRe Association is governed and managed by farmers. The Managing committee of the association comprises of eight members.  Seven of them are farmers including the President.

Our Key team members

  • President – Mr. Madanlal ji khadelwal
  • Team Leader (Social division) – Mr. Aashish Joshi

Our Vision

Our Vision is to empower organic and biodynamic farmers communities by facilitating education and promoting infrastructure, addressing local needs to holistic as well as sustainable development.



  • bioRe training center for organic as well as biodynamic agriculture was inaugurated on 14 Jan. 2005. bioRe Association training center was gifted by COOP CH.
  • First training for bioRe farmers started at bioRe training center on 2nd May 2005.
  • bioRe Association receives permanent FCRA registration when.
  • Mobile Health Unit project was inaugurated in Nov 2006 when.
  • Association gets 80 G registration under Income tax laws.
  • Foundation stone for the first animation school was led by M. Jurg Pertiz from COOP CH in Nov 2007.
  • First bioRe Animation school building was inaugurated on 11th March 2008.
  • bioRe Handloom project “Aavran Handloom society” is registered as a separate society in 2009.
  • First farmer President is elected and managing committee is represented by all farmers in 2012.
  • First bioRe public school campus and vocational center is inaugurated on 12 Oct 2013.


bioRe Association is working on various agriculture research interventions as implementing partner in association with main partner institution bioRe India. Under the scientific guidance and leadership of Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBl) Switzerland it has been implementing.

The Following  Research Programmes


  • Long term system comparison trials: These trails were initiated in the year 2007. Under this research we observe four different farming systems i.e. Biodynamic, Organic, Conventional and GMO in cotton, wheat and soyabean. The main intention being to establish a scientific basis on performance and potential of organic production system. Results of two phases have been made public.
  • Participatory on farm research (POR)

    The objective of POR is the participatory development of locally adopted technologies together with organic farmers. Under this research we try to review and improve existing organic farming practices of farmers by giving them more scientific basis. We also work on developing new techniques for farmers to improve their field performance by better soil fertility management and / or pest management.

Present Topics of Research are


  • Manure trial (how can the efficiency of phosphate rock in the local organic cropping system be increased?
  • What is the possible contribution of nitrogen fixing plants such as gliricidia, sesbania and crotalaria to the local organic production system?
  • Cotton pest trial ( check the effectiveness of the home made bio pesticides against various cotton pests)
  • Over 50 organic farmers participate yearly on POR trials.

bioRe Association together with bioRe India is also implementing Cotton cultivation trial (CCE). These trials were initiated in collaboration with University of Agriculture Science, Dharwad. It is one the largest and intense non GM cotton breeding and evaluation trials in India conducted under organic conditions.