Education –Rural education is one of the important factors in India, which can effect overall development of rural community. Quality and access to education is the major concern in backward region.
In field of education there are 2 programme are implementing by bioRe association first one is Animation school programme and second one is promotion of academic as well as vocational education through bioRe public school.
1. Animation School Programme – The concept of the Animation school aims at enrolling those children who, for whatever reason have been prevented from exercising their right to primary education. Animation means sensitizing the community specially parents. Our first animation school was initiated by in July 2006.
Animation schools are unique model of community participation. Animation school concept works in a phased manner. Initially a animation school runs in farmers’ houses and later on villagers built temporary structures for theses schools. Once the community offers land to build the school building, the building for the schools is constructed with basic infrastructure. During whole process all benefits such as school books, bags, uniforms, teachers, health check up, vocational training, exposure are being provided by the bioRe Association with the help of bioRe Foundation, Switzerland. Animation schools gets recognition by the state government as community schools which allows our children to exercise the option of accessing further schooling once they complete their primary education.
At present (July 2019-20) we are running 18 animation schools where more than 1100 tribal children are beneficiaries and they are getting free of cost primary education.
Different animation schools are adopted by different bioRe partners. These partners are informed about the progress and problems of the respective school and children from time to time. Partners helping animation school are encouraged to pay visits to the animation schools at any time of the year.
bioRe has setup one big school and setting up two more such school in future where these children will receive further academic as well as vocational skill. First bioRe public school has already started at village Ojhara.

2. bioRe Public school & Vocational center – The whole concept of promotion of education programme involves series of development processes. In this series the first bioRe public school and vocational center was inaugurated on October 2013 and first academic session was initiated in July 2014. It is part of bioRe school programme where two such school campus will be developed in order to cater further academic education to animation school children’s along with skill development. The unique feature of the school will be enrollment of external children who will pay certain fees to make itself sustained. This project is sponsored by COOP Switzerland.
It is first school of the start to promote vocational skill of ( such as – Electric, Wire man,, computers, and Sewing technology) rural relevance along with academic education in state of Madhya Pradesh.