Biogas – bioRe textile chain under its vision to become Co2 neutral by 2013 is supporting bioRe Association to implement CO2 neutral project by helping farmers to construct biogas plants. In addition to minimize CO2 emissions across the entire textile chain by optimizing the process and using alternative carriers of energy bioRe is offsetting emission by implementing biogas plants. As many as 3967 biogas plants have been constructed under this programme until March 2019.

Sanitation – We believe that collective efforts will help the ensure the achievement of the sustainable development goals regarding sanitation and also those relating to health, water and environment sustainability.
Idea behind this project is to educate people and generate awareness among community regarding sanitation and hygiene issue. Reduce open defecation amongst people as well as increase coverage of toilets in disease prevention and public health safety.
A total 425 farmer’s families have been our beneficiaries of this project.